Top 15 Tips to Improve Your Handwriting (Plus a Free Worksheet)

Today you’re going to learn how to improve your handwriting in 2024.

In fact, the 15 tips I’m going to share with you not only made my handwriting way better but also helped my YouTube videos get a million views!

Let’s get right into the tips.

Table Of Contents

#1. Analyze Your Current Handwriting With 5S

Want to make your handwriting better?

First, take a good look at it. Grab a pen and write down a few lines from a book or something on your phone. Write like you usually do.

Now, let’s see what you’ve got:

  • Shapes: Look at your letter shapes. Are they the right shape? Try to match the standard shapes
  • Spacing: Are the spaces between your letters and words the same? They should be!
  • Slant: They should lean at the same angle. If some are different, it won’t look as nice.
  • Sizes: Each letter should be the same size as others like it. Keeping size consistent makes your writing look good.
  • Spacing: Space between letters and words is important. Good spacing makes writing look neat and balanced.
  • Splicing: This is about how letters connect. Make sure they join smoothly. Each letter should look like part of the word

After you’re done, try writing the same thing again. This time, paying attention to what you want to improve.

You might write slower, but it’ll look better!

#2. Choose Your Handwriting Style

When it comes to handwriting, style matters. 

Decide which style you want to improve. There are mainly two styles: print and cursive.

  • Print Handwriting:
    • Print, or block letters, are separate from each other.
    • This style is clear and easy to read. It’s great for formal documents.
    • Kids often learn this style first.
  • Cursive Handwriting:
    • Cursive has flowing, connected letters.
    • It links letters together, making writing quicker.
    • Cursive is used for personal notes, signatures, and creative writing.

I use both styles mixed together. 

You can pick one or mix them too. Find what works for you and practice it!

#3. Find the Ideal Pen for Your Hand

The right pen makes writing better. 

Think about what you like. 

Thin lines? I’m loving Bic Xtra Life (1.0mm), Pilot G2 or Zebra Pen Sarasa.

Left-handed? Choose quick-drying pens to avoid smudges, such as gel pens. 

Right-handed? Most pens will do.

Try different pens at a store. Write a little with each. Buy a few to try at home.

Your best pen feels great and fits your writing. Keep testing until you find it!”

#4. Relax Your Grip for Better Writing

Improving your handwriting starts with how you hold your pen. 

A relaxed grip is key. Your hand muscles shouldn’t be tight.

Hold your pen lightly. Tight grips make writing hard. 

Your hand should feel comfy, not stiff. Check often if you’re squeezing too much

If you’re looking to learn the right way to hold your pen, this video is a great demonstration.

Here’s a tip: 

  • Hold the pen with your thumb and first finger. Let it rest on your middle finger. 
  • Tap your finger on the pen now and then. This keeps your hand loose. 

A relaxed hand writes better!

#5. Use Lined Paper or Templates for Neat, Straight Lines

Want neat handwriting? 

Use lined paper. 

It helps keep your words straight.

You can put notebook paper under plain paper to see the lines. Or just write on the notebook paper.

Always put an extra sheet under your writing paper. It makes writing smoother.

Avoid blank paper if you’re working on your handwriting. 

Lines help you write straight. They keep your letters the same size. 

#6. Practice with Special Workbook

Want a structured way to improve your handwriting?

I’ve got just the thing: workbooks! I’ve created workbooks in two styles: print and cursive. Each one is packed with over 100 pages for you to practice on.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • Forming Letters: You’ll learn how to form every letter, both uppercase and lowercase, the right way.
  • Joining Letters: Get the hang of connecting letters smoothly.
  • Practice Words: Start with simple words and gradually tackle more complex ones.
  • Write Sentences: Put your skills to the test by writing full sentences and even paragraphs.

These practice pages are designed to build your skills step by step. 

Whether you’re a beginner or just looking to refine your handwriting, these worksheets are a structured and fun way to improve.

#7. Slow Down to Write Better

Writing fast can mess up your handwriting. Try to write slower. 

It makes your writing look better.

Don’t write too slow, though. That can be hard to read, too. 

Aim for a steady pace. It keeps your letters neat and in line.

Take your time. It makes your handwriting clear. 

Check out this quick video where I show how to slow down your writing  

Remember, writing isn’t a race. Slowing down is the trick to better handwriting.

#8.Practice Handwriting Drills for Beginners

Ready to write better? Start with some easy drills. 

They help make your letters neat and clear.

I improved my writing with these drills. They’re like a warm-up for your hand.

Want to try more? 

I have a free worksheet for you. It’s full of fun drills to practice.

These drills are simple. They’ll help you write better and easier. 

Grab your free worksheet and start improving today!

#9. Practice your alphabet

Do your letters look different each time?  

Try focusing on each letter in lower and uppercase. Make sure they’re the same size and spaced right.

Practice each letter one by one. 

Soon, your writing will look neat and even. 

If you want to dive deeper into practicing writing the alphabet for both print handwriting and cursive handwriting, you can check out this video

Keep practicing, and you’ll see the difference!

#10. Practice Sentences to Get Better

Got your letters down? 

Awesome! Now, make them into words and sentences. 

You can start with some sentences that have all the letters. 

  • “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
  • “The five boxing wizards jump quickly.”
  • “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.”
  • “Go, lazy fat vixen; be shrewd, jump quickly.”
  • “When zombies arrive, quickly fax Judge Pat.”
  • “Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.”
  • “Puzzled women bequeath jerks very exotic gifts.”
  • “The quick onyx goblin jumps over the lazy dwarf.”

You can also try writing sentences in a workbook:

#11. Focus on Consistency to Improve Your Handwriting

Consistency is key in handwriting. 

Pick a style you like. It can be cursive, print or any style

Try different slopes and sizes. Find a style that feels right. 

Then, practice a lot. Fill a page with the same letter, like ‘a’s, then ‘b’s.

Consistency makes your handwriting neat and easy to read. 

Stick to your style, whether it’s thin, slanted, or spread out. 

Keep it the same. It’ll look great and be easy to read.

#12. Embrace and Refine Your Unique Handwriting Style

Your handwriting is as unique as you are. 

It varies, and that’s perfectly fine. Some days it might be tidy, other days a bit messy.

Your handwriting reflects your personality and mood. It’s why people cherish notes from you – they get a glimpse of your essence.

Don’t stress about making drastic changes. 

Instead, focus on clarity and legibility in your letters.

Your handwriting style is uniquely yours. 

Maintain its clarity, but also let your individuality shine through. That personal touch in your writing is what truly matters!

#13. Make Handwriting Fun, a Regular Part of Your Daily Routine

Improving your handwriting? Make it a daily habit.

The more you write, the better you’ll get. 

And it can be fun! Here’s how:

#1. Send Messages and Letters: Write to your loved ones or friends. It’s personal and they’ll love it.

Check out this video for inspiration: Handwritten Messages

#2. Start a Bullet Journal: It’s creative and helps you organize.

Create a habit tracker: Habit Tracker Ideas

Put together a to-do list: To-Do List Design

#3. Make Cards: Handmade cards are special.

Write a birthday card: Birthday Card Writing

Create a greeting card: Greeting Card Creation

#4. Keep a Diary: It’s great for reflection and practice.

#5. Handwrite Lists: Make your grocery lists by hand. Drop notes in lunch boxes.

#6. Write During Podcasts or Videos: Take notes while listening or watching.

#7. Write Neatly Always: At work, school, or home, keep your writing neat.

You can learn how to write note-taking more interesting with titles and headings in the following video.

The key is to keep it fun and simple. Explore and find your favorite writing activities. 

Stick with them and watch your handwriting improve!

#14. Practice Letters With Similar Stroke Groups

Improving your handwriting can be more efficient when you focus on letters with similar strokes.

It’s easier than going through the whole alphabet.

This way, you learn faster.

For Print HandWriting:

Print Handwriting: Lowercase Letter Groups

Print Handwriting: Uppercase Letter Groups

For Cursive HandWriting:

Cursive Handwriting: Lowercase Letter Groups

Cursive Handwriting: Uppercase Letter Groups

When you practice letters in groups, it’s easier to learn. 

You’ll see how they look alike and flow together. 

This way of learning is simple and fast. 

It helps you get better at writing quicker!

#15. Writing into Three Phrases for Better Clarity

Improving your handwriting can be broken down into three simple phases. 

This technique is effective and easy, suitable for all levels. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Write the Word Exactly:
    Start by writing each letter, word, and sentence exactly as shown in bold in the book. This helps you recognize and memorize each word and stroke. 
  • Rewrite with Suggestions:
    Next, rewrite the letters, words, and sentences printed faintly in the book. This stage reinforces your memory of how to write each word and stroke correctly, starting to build muscle memory.
  • Rewrite It:
    Finally, write the letters, words, and sentences without any suggestions. This tests your learning and helps solidify your skills.

Write and rewrite until you’re happy with it. 

This helps build muscle memory. 

My workbooks apply this technique to all worksheet designs, making it easier for you to improve your handwriting

The more you practice, the more your brain remembers. Soon, writing becomes easy.


That’s it – the Top 15 Tips to Improve Your Handwriting!

Now, I’m eager to hear from you:

Did I leave out any important tips? 

Or do you have questions about the ones I shared?

Either way, leave a quick comment below right now.

2 Responses

  1. You are amazing!! We’re do you get your color pens? I use the same pens you suggested so that made me feel good. I am learning so much from you. I want to improve my cursive handwriting. Always write block.

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